
We are specialists in the design and implementation of photovoltaic installations
autoconsumo para viviendas y particulares.


Autoconsumo fotovoltaico residencial

La energía fotovoltaica residencial es una forma cada vez más popular de generar electricidad en los hogares utilizando paneles solares instalados en techos u otras áreas de la propiedad. Esta tecnología aprovecha la energía del sol para producir electricidad de manera limpia y sostenible, lo que permite a los propietarios de viviendas reducir su dependencia de la red eléctrica convencional, ahorrar dinero en facturas de energía y contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente.

La energía fotovoltaica residencial ofrece una forma limpia, económica y sostenible de satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de los hogares, permitiendo a los propietarios disfrutar de independencia energética, ahorros significativos y una contribución positiva al medio ambiente.


Self-consumption industrial

In this segment, the solar farms are installed by Voltfer together account for a power higher than 10 MW. The firm maintains a leading position as a supplier of pv to the major companies of the productive fabric gallego.

The strength and projection of this division of the Group Alvariño has been recognized in the Report Ardán, developed by the Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo, with the indicator ‘Business Gazelle 2021’ for its extraordinary growth in recent years, in which he has executed more than 300 facilities at the national level, both in companies and other large energy consumers.

The energy sustainability, as a factor of competitiveness and growth for the company


Instalación placas solares

We develop photovoltaic installations for self-consumption turnkey for the residential sector, both in single-family homes as well as in communities of owners.


Energy services

As an Energy Services Company, Voltfer provides its customers with 100% renewable energy at a very competitive price.
In this area, it offers also the mode of PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) so that the customer can benefit from a price of electricity is very advantageous without the need to assume the initial investment in the installation of self-consumption. Voltfer is in charge of the whole process for the application and processing of grants and subsidies.


Subvenciones autoconsumo residencial

En los últimos años, el autoconsumo energético ha ganado una relevancia significativa en el panorama residencial, impulsado por la necesidad de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y la dependencia de fuentes de energía no renovables.

Las subvenciones para el autoconsumo residencial se han convertido en una herramienta clave para fomentar la adopción de tecnologías sostenibles entre los propietarios de viviendas. Estas subvenciones no solo facilitan la inversión inicial en sistemas de energía renovable, como los paneles solares, sino que también promueven un modelo energético más sostenible y eficiente.


Photovoltaic residential

We develop photovoltaic installations for self-consumption turnkey for the residential sector, both in single-family homes as well as in communities of owners.


Instalación de cargadores para vehículos eléctricos

La transición hacia la movilidad eléctrica está en pleno apogeo, y con ella, la necesidad de infraestructuras de carga adecuadas para vehículos eléctricos (VE) se ha vuelto esencial. La instalación de cargadores para vehículos eléctricos en viviendas particulares no solo facilita la adopción de esta tecnología, sino que también ofrece comodidad y eficiencia a los propietarios de estos vehículos.


Electric mobility

Both for the residential segment, companies, renewable energies and photovoltaics are essential in the jump to the new model of electric mobility imposed by the ecological transition. Therefore, in Voltfer we include in our portfolio of services for the installation of chargers for electric vehicles.


Energy consulting

The energy efficiency is key to the competitiveness of companies. Produce better means to do it with the least energy consumption and maximum sustainability. This can only be achieved in one way: by measuring and controlling the consumption of goods, equipment, and processes. In Voltfer we help you by reviewing your bills, monitor your consumption, detecting consumption anomalous, penalties avoidable, by adjusting your contracted power, and above all, making more efficient your facilities and processes.
In addition, we put at your disposal to an energy advisory staff to answer all your questions.

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Contacta con nosotros


Avda. de Madrid, 197 (Interior)
36214 Vigo (Pontevedra)


+34 986 265 818

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